The goal with MVP Fitness is to give the athlete’s the ability to take their sport or discipline as far as desired. MVP accomplishes this by optimizing the athletes mentally and physically. There are a lot of elements that go into optimization. Mindset is an integral part of our wholistic programming that blankets all aspects of MVP. Physically, MVP focuses on strengthening the kinetic chain. A strong kinetic chain is responsible for our foundational strength that all ability is built on. Strengthen your kinetic chain optimally and an athlete can literally become injury proof or what we refer to as "bulletproof athletes." When an athlete reaches this level, their results become limitless. Getting athletes to this level is the goal at MVP Fitness. This is what we specialize in!
"You are only as strong as your weakest link"
"A strong kinetic chain will lead to stronger, healthier, and more balanced and injury free athletes, performing at the highest levels. A strong mindset maintains the drive and purpose of performing at high levels."
"The only way to see good results is to consistently perform good reps. The only way to consistently perform good reps is to stay injury free and mentally strong."
We have created specific modalities designed to focus on overall kinetic chain strengthening and injury prevention to enhance the athlete’s ability. Athletes are limited by improper body mechanics created by physiological imbalances as well as mindset. These factors can be corrected with proper training modalities. These modalities will combine strength, speed, power, agility, mobility and balance, all necessary elements when building a bulletproof athlete.
"If you want to look, feel, and function like an athlete, then train like an athlete!"
We will deconstruct an athlete through proper assessment and identify limiting factors. The limiting factors are normally holding the athlete back from their true potential. We then use this information to rebuild and reinforce the athletes as strong as possible, through modalities to capitalize on their strengths and weaknesses.
We cover ALL aspects of fitness in ten, 45-minute sessions. I often see programming with at least one missing link. Strength, power, speed, mobility, agility, and balance, at a minimum, need to be addressed and performed often in multiple different ways and multiple times a week to effectively advance an athlete.
I am pretty much obsessed with optimizing everything performance based. With that said, there are two real common denominators in the local athletic performance arena that became a constant and were driving me crazy. One was that the majority of local sports training was geared towards football. Most of the athletes of different disciplines were being trained like football players. Why would a soccer player or basketball player train like a football player? Not Good…
The other was that a good friend and local physical therapist kept seeing athletes come into her practice with similar injuries. Injuries that were caused by weak links in the athlete’s kinetic chain.
This was the beginning of MVP Fitness. I wanted to create a convenient, efficient, and effective program that all athletes would benefit from. I figured decathletes were the most well-rounded athletes in the world, so I would create a program around them. A program that addresses all of the elements of performance. So, you could pretty much be good at everything from one program.
Also, I like working out, but I REALLY like playing sports. So, I find the most enjoyment in exercising in the gym to enhance my hobbies/sports. For example, if the surfs up, I would much rather go surfing then to a gym. But if the waves are flat, I may go to the gym and do a functional workout with pullups, core, isometrics, etc. to enhance my surfing for the next "paddle out." All of the moves I now do in the gym work towards some type of movement pattern that helps me "play" better. I currently surf, paddleboard, run, bike, play beach volleyball, tennis, and pickleball, and they have all gotten better since performing MVP workouts.
Sidenote – People think it’s weird when they jump and turn and tear an ACL in Rec Ball, even though they train like a bodybuilder in the gym. Train like a freaking athlete if you want to look, feel, and function, like an athlete.
Yes, anyone can do MVP Fitness. But there is a lot to learn, and most people will need modifications initially. Everyone is a little bit different and normally start at different levels. We require everyone starting the MVP program to meet with an MVP professional for an assessment to make sure everything is just right for you. Sometimes this may take a few sessions to get you up to speed, but we are just trying to put everyone in the best position to see their best results.
Most of the circuits use standard gym equipment like bars, bands, balls, steps, weights, ropes, etc. But yes, we also incorporate glute drives, tib trainers, Iron Neck, and miscellaneous pieces to help the athletes with specific needs.
Yes, MVP Fitness can be performed anywhere. Like every aspect of the program, modifications will be made based on the facility, but even your standard hotel gym is often equipped with everything you need.
All MVP workouts are fullbody, just like sports. MVP always modifies and we definitely spot train and isolate when needed. But when an athlete is up to speed, MVP has two phases, an on season or what we call "optimization" and an off season or what we call "adaptation." Optimization keeps the body primed to perform. The workouts are fullbody circuits and are generally performed at around seventy percent intensity. -Just enough to keep the muscles strong and supple but not enough to exhaust or overtrain the athlete. During the off season or "adaptation," MVP pushes much harder, because the athlete isn’t performing sports and can therefor recover much better. Adaptation workouts are primarily "fullbody" "push/pull" splits. These workouts are generally performed at around ninety percent intensity and often require two days off between workouts.
The short answer is yes. The programming normally takes years to master. I have worked with athletes on simply perfecting a squat for years let alone around one hundred technical moves. Once the athletes form is "dialed in," we change order, tempo, reps, etc., to further stimulate the athlete. We also constantly add in custom movements specifically for the athlete’s needs.
I know you are sick of hearing this, but everyone is different, and the costs are dependent on the training sessions needed to learn the programming. Some athletes can learn the programming in a few sessions while others need quite a bit more.
The sessions are $100 per hour but can be split up with multiple athletes if desired – up to four athletes can train together when learning the program. Once you have learned the programming, the membership cost is $100 per month.
Yes, we believe that form is everything and if you are going to do something, do it right. An MVP professional will be on site Monday through Friday from 7am -5pm
Roughly forty-five minutes.
Ten. There are six "in season – optimization" workouts and four "off season – adaptation" workouts. Normally an athlete cycles though all of the workouts per season before repeating. We start to upgrade the movements when repeating.
It really depends on your current sport and goals. We normally aim for two to three training sessions per week.
I love to change it up every now and then. I also believe in "off seasons." I think freestyle swimming is one of the best exercises for athletes and I think pickleball creates amazing "court awareness" and reflexes for other sports. But, with all of that said, you could just do the MVP training and see great results!
Yes. We feel that proper nutrition is essential for optimizing the athlete. If the athlete chooses to work on nutrition, we follow a couple of basic steps, then customize it for the athlete’s specific needs. We always require a fairly detailed two-week food journal. With the journal, we normally take the following steps. This example is assuming the athlete has no known food allergies, sensitivities, or other limiting factors.
1. We try to make the food more ‘whole food’ based. For example, if the athlete has a breakfast bar on the way to school, we might try to mix in some fruit or nuts. Or maybe even a boiled egg or two.
2. We try to upgrade everything. For example, if they consume a turkey sandwich for lunch, we may try to upgrade their bread to an Ezekiel option.
3. We start to look at macros. Are they getting enough protein, carbohydrate, and fat to optimize their performance?
4. We upgrade again. For example, if they are protein deficient and dead set on cereal for breakfast, we may try a protein-based cereal like Magic Spoon.
5. Supplementation. Supplements normally are not necessary if the athlete makes adjustments on numbers 1-4. But, certain athletes, especially when performing multiple times, a day, might need some extra nutrition. This normally is simply extra electrolytes and fluids, especially in the summer, but we have plenty of athletes see great results with proper supplementation.
Yes, the majority of athletes want to be faster and more explosive, and this is conducive to a specific look. I know I referenced decathletes earlier, which is my favorite example, and you can google them to see their physiques, but for the purpose of a "visual," I will use sprinters, since most people are more familiar with a sprinter’s physique. Sprinters generally have a specific build and look so they can perform a certain way. Sprinters are lean and tone. Too much bulk will slow them down. With all of that said, if you are a power athlete performing shot put, or an offensive line, etc., we will modify as needed to optimize your performance.
No. We do not offer any day pass options. MVP Fitness is specialized training only. An MVP athlete follows specific programming set by an MVP professional. If you would like to do your own training other than the MVP protocol, there are plenty of fitness facilities available in the area.
MVP Fitness does have a few pieces of cardio equipment, but we prefer our athletes to do more functional fitness training geared towards their sports rather than traditional cardio equipment. We often have the athletes jump rope, jog, or head over to the stadium to do their warm-up. There are plenty of other fitness facilities nearby that offer large cardio options if that is what you are looking for.
Only indirectly. What I mean by this is that we have specific strength protocols to help prevent injuries. For example, we find that most of the athletes back pain is caused by weak gluteal muscles. So, we work the glutes thoroughly to prevent back pain with specific equipment and movements. We also find a lot of knee pain associated with a weak tibialis when decelerating. So, we work the tibs often to prevent knee pain.
Yes. MVP Fitness is a full service personal training facility. We specialize in one-on-one personal training, and small group training. To get started, an MVP trainer will perform a consultation and assessment, to see how they can best serve the client. Once these are performed, the training will begin based on the goals discussed between the trainer and client.
One-on-one personal training is $80 per fifty minute session.
Group training is $40 per fifty minute session.
Everyone is a bit different with different goals, but typically a client will work with their trainer two to three times a week.
Yes. Customized programming is a very popular option at MVP Fitness. The way this works is you would meet with a trainer, and perform a consultation and assessment. The trainer would then develop a program based on your goals. You can then perform the program at your convenience, at the facility, under the supervision of a trainer.
Customized programming is normally updated monthly. This allows the trainer to continually monitor the clients progress, and change things as needed. Customized programming is $100 per month.